Western Bark Beetle Initiative Grant Program
Applications for the current 2015 grant cycle are due by November 20, 2015.
The documents below provide more information about the Western Bark Beetle Initiative (WBBI) grant program and include the full instructions and required grant application form:
- 2015 WBBI Request For Grant Applications (Guidance/Instructions)
- 2015 WBBI Application
- 2015 WBBI Frequently Asked Questions
The Western Bark Beetle Initiative Grant Program focuses on reducing adverse bark beetle impacts through thinning and removal of green host trees and related slash treatments, where ponderosa pine is the main host tree. Funding through this grant aims to protect high value trees and forests, create and maintain healthy stands of trees, reduce bark beetle attacks and tree mortality, encourage landowners to implement prevention and restoration projects, restore and maintain healthy ecosystems, and reduce wildland fire risk secondarily.
This program is directed to units of local government, non-profit organizations 501(c)3, and public educational institutions. Individuals working in partnership with their neighborhood association may also apply if they work with one of the previously stated groups.
Please direct any questions to Chris Erickson at 602-771-1407 or Bob Celaya at 602-771-1415.
Funding for the Western Bark Beetle Initiative Grant Program is provided by the USDA Forest Service.
The Western Bark Beetle Initiative Grant Program does not discriminate against any person or organization because of race, color, religion, disability, sex, age, or national origin.