Post-Wildfire Infrastructure Assistance Program
On June 18, 2021, Governor Doug Ducey signed HB 2001 which provides $100 million dollars to address Arizona wildfires and some of the fire's effects on the people of Arizona. A portion of the $100 million - $10 million to be exact, is dedicated to assist private and public landowners with emergency infrastructure repairs for infrastructure damaged as a result of wildfires or wildfire suppression activities. HB 2001 was passed during a special session after devastating wildfires in the Gila County-area.
Grant Information
The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management invites proposals from public and private landowners for emergency repairs for infrastructure damaged by fires or fire suppression activities which occurred on July 1, 2020, and after. The Post-Wildfire Infrastructure Assistance Program goal is to assist in infrastructure repairs to physical systems, operational structures, and facilities needed for the use of urban, rural, agricultural, cultural, and natural resources.
The Arizona Post-Wildfire Infrastructure Assistance Program will allocate $10,000,000 to support infrastructure recovery efforts to mitigate the impact of Arizona wildfires. Awards will be limited to those applicants most significantly impacted, on a first-come, first-served basis. Applicants will be those whose needs were not met by other funding sources, such as insurance, federal agencies, etc. AND only after all other sources of payment, including insurance and other resimbursements have been deducted or the landowner provides information to DFFM that the landowner does not qualify for other reimbursements. Some projects may be offered only partial funding depending on the severity of demonstrated need and funding availability at the time of the request.
How to Apply
***At this time the Post-Wildfire Infrastructure Assistance Grants are closed***
All funds in relation to this grant have been awarded.
Before applying - please review the Request for Proposal Guidance for additional information on eligibility requirements, program goals, application process, and submission.
Apply for the Post-Wildfire Infrastructure Assistance Grants