Be Ready
Wildfire Preparedness and Prevention Partners
It's never to early to prepare - whether that's cleaning up around your property, gathering emergency supplies, planning escape routes, and packing a 'go bag' in the event of an emergency. Act early, before it's too late.
Creating Defensible Space
It's important to create that buffer zone between your home and a possible wildfire. Remove anything flammable from around your home, including propane tanks, bbq grills, even patio furniture. Trim back trees and any branches that may hang over onto the roof. Keep your lawns watered and mowed. Keep your gutters, porches, and decks clear of vegetation and debris.
Be Prepared and Go
It's never too early to get prepared in case of an emergency and evacuation. Always be ready - have necessary prescriptions, important paperwork and documents, take your credit cards and cash, important phone numbers, your computer, and pictures. Don't forget your pets too!
Remember the six p's!
Partnering Agencies
There are a number of programs the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management supports and partners with to make sure you are prepared now, in case your are ever in an emergency situation.