Tree City USA
Tree City USA is a prestigious designation that Arizona cities can earn by meeting minimum standards for community forestry programs at the municipal level. A program of the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, the program is administered in Arizona by the Arizona State Forestry - Community Forestry program. Tree City USA recognizes communities that have developed urban forestry programs and that proactively plant and care for trees.

There are Tree City USA communities located in every state; since 1976, 30 communities have obtained Tree City USA status in Arizona. To obtain Tree City USA recognition, a community must adopt a tree ordinance; appoint a board, department, or commission to advise the city on urban forest issues; spend at least $2 per capita on community forestry activities; and hold an Arbor Day celebration.
In addition to Tree City USA recognized status, communities that have been in the program for at least 2 years are eligible to apply for a Growth Award. Tree City USA Growth Awards recognize communities for environmental improvement and the completion of special projects over the year that encourage a higher level of urban tree care.
Why should your community become a Tree City USA recognized community?
Trees provide numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits such as cleaning the air, cutting energy costs, and providing beauty. Trees also provide shade, diversify wildlife habitat, improve water quality, increase property values, and help to create a 'sense of place' for residents. All of these benefits become community assets.
Our current Tree City USA communities, their elected officials, and residents recognize the benefits of such distinction by encouraging better and proper care of community forests, improving the longterm sustainability of Arizona's urban environments.

Learn more about becoming a recognized Tree City USA Community by visiting the Tree City USA webpage on the Arbor Day Foundation's web site, or contact us with your questions.
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