Tree Campus USA
Tree Campus USA is a prominent designation that Arizona colleges and universities can earn by meeting minimum standards for campus forestry programs. A program of the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters, the program is administered in Arizona by the Arizona State Forestry - Community Forestry program. Tree Campus USA recognizes college and university campuses that effectively manage their campus trees and develop connectivity with the community beyond campus borders to foster healthy urban forests.
There are Tree Campus USA colleges and universities located in every state; since 2008, 2 universities have obtained Tree Campus USA status in Arizona. To obtain Tree Campus USA recognition, a college/university must form a Campus Tree Advisory Committee, develop a Campus Tree Care Plan, create a Campus Tree Program with dedicated annual expenditures, hold an annual Arbor Day observance, and perform a service learning project.
Why should your college or university become TreeCampusUSA recognized?
Planting, and maintaining, trees on your campus and in the community reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and can significantly reduce the amount of energy your campus uses. It also provides for areas of relaxation conducive to a comfortable learning environment.
Our current Tree Campus USA universities and their students recognize the benefits of such distinction by being advocates of proper campus tree care and by developing and implementing campus and community forestry projects with multi-disciplinary professionals.

Learn more about becoming a recognized Tree Campus USA by visiting the Tree Campus USA webpage on the Arbor Day Foundation's web site, or contact us with your questions.
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