Through the USDA Forest Service Cooperative Federal Excess Property Program, the Department of Forestry and Fire Management acquires - at no charge - federal excess property and refurbishes them into wildland fire suppression equipment and vehicles. In turn, this equipment is used to support Arizona and cooperating, statewide fire departments in building firefighting capacity throughout the state.
Currently, there are 333 refurbished pieces of equipment - from the Federal Excess Personal Property - on loan to rural Arizona fire departments and fire crews. The wildland equipment provided to fire departments is valued at nearly $9 million dollars. The USFS also provides cooperative grant funds to further support the operation of DFFM's equipment shop.
All of the engines shown below were refurbished and issued to their respective departments through DFFM's Federal Excess Property Firefighting Program.

Before and After Photo - Wildland Type 4 Engine - Buckeye Valley Fire Department

Before and After Photo - Wildland Type 4 Engine - Kearny Fire Department

Before and After Photo - Wildland Type 5 Engine - Nutrioso Fire Department
If you are an Arizona fire department interested in information about the Federal Excess Property Program, please contact the Department of Forestry and Fire Management district in your area.