Forest and Woodland Health
The Forest Health program for the Department of Forestry and Fire Management provides staff, professional foresters, private landowners, and other stakeholders information, education, technical assistance, and integrated management strategies to prevent insect and disease outbreaks, and achieve healthy forest and woodland stand conditions.
Forestry and Fire's Forest Health program is a cooperative forestry program funded by the USDA Forest Service, via state and private forestry, to assist state and private forest and woodland landowners.
The agency conducts surveys, evaluations, and monitors forest and woodland insects and diseases on state and private lands. We provide advice and support for forest and woodland management projects to prevent and suppress native insect and disease outbreaks. We also focus on implementing measures to prevent, retard or suppress damaging and non-native invasive insects, diseases and plants. The Forest Health program is also involved in local community outreach and education programs.
Annually, we conduct statewide aerial detection survey flights in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Protection program to provide land managers and the public with information about landscape level forest and woodland health conditions.