Arizona Forestry Observes Arbor Day with Tree Planting Ceremony at State Capitol
Phoenix, AZ (4/15/2024) – This year and to continue with tradition, the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management (DFFM) celebrates Arbor Day at the State Capitol with a tree planting ceremony and community recognition event. For nearly two decades, DFFM has been planting trees on the Capitol grounds to improve the urban canopy and its overall beautification. This year, DFFM with the help of Smokey Bear plan to plant a 24-inch box Desert Willow (Chilopsis linearis) tree donated by a grower with the Arizona Nursery Association. This fast-growing, low water use tree grows up to 30 feet tall and blooms between May and September. The Desert Willow is native to Arizona, exceptional for pollinators, and an attractive choice for desert landscapes.
This year Arizona’s Arbor Day falls on Tuesday, April 16. DFFM’s event kicks off at 10:00 am with a reading of the State Arbor Day Proclamation followed by an awards ceremony for the agency’s Urban and Community Forestry Awards and Arbor Day Foundation program participants. The tree planting ceremony concludes the day’s event. The awards ceremony recognizes municipalities, organizations, and Arizonans that demonstrate leadership and excellence in community tree care and management. In addition, every year and prior to Arbor Day, DFFM hosts an annual poster contest for K-12 students to learn about trees and share their appreciation in a creative way. The contest begins in January with the top entries displayed at the Capitol Museum throughout April. The 2024 poster contest theme, “A Special Tree to Me,” encouraged students to share personal stories that connect them to trees. Arizona students submitted more than 1,800 posters.
DFFM’s Urban and Community Forestry’s Arbor Day partners include Arizona Community Tree Council, Arizona Nursery Association, Trees Matter, the Southwest Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, Arizona Public Service and Salt River Project, who are all actively involved in advancing urban forestry year-round in their respective industries.
Arizona’s Arbor Day Event is open to the public with a virtual option: For more information, contact Tiffany Davila at 602-540-1036 or by email at [email protected]