Media and Public Requests
The Department of Forestry and Fire Management's Public Affairs Department is responsible for the marketing and public outreach within the agency, along with handling public records and media requests, legislative business, and the agency's social media platforms.

For public records requests, please fill out the required form on the Public Records Request page.
Wildfire Information
In the event of a wildfire, please refer to our Twitter page @azstateforestry or check Arizona Inciweb for the latest information. Most likely, the information will be posted to Twitter first and then to Inciweb. All media requests for interviews or other information must be handled through the Public Affairs Department of the Department of Forestry and Fire Management.
For media needing information on a wildfire you can reach us at [email protected].
Follow us on social media for fire information updates, fire prevention tips and forestry updates from across the state.
DFFM Mobile Phone Application
In early 2019, the agency released a new mobile phone application to provide an additional platform for wildfire and prevention information. The free mobile app can be found on the iTunes or Google Play stores by searching the Department of Forestry and Fire Management.
Users can subscribe to different alert notifications, including new wildfire starts and fire restriction information. The app also provides current news information, fire prevention tips, a Q&A section, and a contact us tab where users can submit anonymous tips.
**The application is provided for state land jurisidiction only. Therefore, not all wildland fire information, including those on federal or tribal lands may be detailed**
Legislative and Public Events
The Department of Forestry and Fire Management works to provide public outreach through various platforms including social media, billboard marketing campaigns, public service announcements, and community-wide events. Every year, State Forestry participates in the Arizona Game and Fish Wildlife Expo and STEM events at Chase Field. We also work to educate our students by providing classroom guest speakers, including the Arizona State Forester, wildland firefighters, and deputy fire marshals to help teach our students the importance of fire safety.
If you would like to have a speaker for your event or class, or are requesting Smokey Bear's attendance, please contact Public Affairs and Outreach Officer Tiffany Davila.
For all Legislative affairs you can contact Legislative Liaison Dante Mitchell.