Healthy Forest Initiative Grants
Eligible applicants include, fire departments and fire districts, government organizations - including state, county, and local - public educational institutions, 501 (c) non-profit organizations, and Indian Tribes. Private landowners qualify if working through one of the eligible applicants listed above, but cannot directly apply. For-profit companies do not qualify. Projects may occur on state, private, federal, and tribal lands in Arizona.
Fuels mitigation is a vital component to reducing the threat of wildfires across Arizona. But, it also protects the health of our forests by removing diseased vegetation, invasive species, and dense fuel. Plus, fuels reduction work aids in the health of our watersheds and our wildlife habitat.

How to Apply
***The 2024 Healthy Forest Initiative Application Period is Now Closed***
DFFM with funding provided by the State of Arizona, the USDA Forest Service, and DOI Bureau of Land Management is soliciting project proposals from $60,000 to $500,000.
This program is supported by the USDA Forest Service and the DOI Bureau of Land Management funding.